Sunday 26 April 2015


Dear students,

We are about to finish our unit 7 and from now on, you are able to describe a house, a bedroom and so on, that is why I have decided to do a final Project for this unit titled :  A PHOTOSTORY.

To elaborate this Project, you have to follow these instructions:

1) Take a DINA A3 SHEET.

2) Try to collect all magazines and newspapers you have at home.

3) Make up a story with characters from those magazines and newspapers

4) Throughout this story you must describe the house or the bedroom of the main character.

So, as you can appreciate, you should design a kind of comic made with characters and ítems from magazines and newspapers. Be creative and original to get a better mark.


Thursday 9 April 2015


Hi guys!!

In this unit you will learn vocabulary related to the house and household ítems and we will learn how to describe a house, a room, a picture....

To start with this unit I want you to make a comment about your ideal home. Imagine you earn enough money to buy your ideal would it be?? Tell me something about the type of house, decoration, characteristics and why you consider this house is the ideal, the best for you.

Tuesday 7 April 2015


Dear students,

Our Easter holidays finished and I hope your battery will be charged as we are at our last term. Do your best to get worthy final mark ok??

To start our term, I have decided to plan a new Project related to films. I know you like almost all type of films and you really distinguish what is fact and fiction so, for this Project, you are working in pairs and you should follow these instructions:

1) Discuss with your partner and choose a film.

2) Make a film review about the film selected following the hints you have in your student´s book. This composition will be marked.

3) Design a PowerPoint presentation to introduce this film to your classmates. At this presentation you should take into consideration these ítems: Name of the film, type of film, main characters, main events and why you recommend it.

4) At your presentation,  you can include pictures, short videos about the film but don´t forget the most important thing: it is an oral presentation and the pairing should talk naturally and fluently.

5) As usual, CREATIVITY AND ORIGINALITY can raise your final mark.

6) Deadline: 14th April.